Ryan from JUDD Studio Engineering just completed a very cool iPhone Like Kitchen Touchscreen Computer. His wife wanted a computer in the kitchen, that’s not an odd request these days. But instead of running down to Best Buy to pick up a new computer and mounting it in the kitchen Ryan decided to make his own unit that has a UI based on the iPhone. The result is some great eye candy on the wall of the kitchen. But that isn’t where it ends, this unit is very functional, it can do run Skype, play iTunes, manage a to do list, update your Outlook calendar, get twitter alerts and much more. There are lots of install pictures and a log that talks about some of the issues faced along the way such as adding a few optional cabinet ventilation holes.
“For years my wife has been on at me to put a computer into the kitchen where she can manage her recipes, shopping lists, to do lists and access the internet for looking up various things.  After looking at a couple of pretty basic and well overpriced commercial units we decied to have a crack at doing this ourselves.
Thus, he went on to create an “iPhone Like Kitchen Touchscreen Computer” which he created using a Touchscreen and a UI based on the iPhone.
The computer is certainly eye-candy, and can also be quite functional. Some of the things that it can do are Skype, play iTunes, manage a to-do list, Outlook, access to Twitter and whatever else that may come to your geeky mind.