
Friday, July 16, 2010

Finally, after a series a rumours, Apple will showcase its new Apple Tablet and will be marketed by the end of march 2010. Apple Tablet is one of the much awaited gadgets in the IT market. The Apple Tablet is a powerful widget. It is truly a creative innovation of Technology.

The exact features of AppleTablet are still certain, however the gadget can be visioned as a device featuring an operating system which is compatible with the iPhone. It might be capable of running the Mac OS X software also. A major feature of the new Apple Tablet is that the OS Technology would be truly compatible and its user interface will adapt itself as per the device ( Tablet, Iphone, etc ). The Apple Tablet may entertain the user with applications like the iTunes television programming.

The Apple Tablet provides a clear and sharp view with a wide-screen 7-inch LCD display. It comprises of a unit to a 10.6-inch OLED model also and has an excellent capacity. It renders a spacious storage capacity of 256 or 512GB ,thus bulks of data ( image files, audio files,) can be saved into it. The Technology lovers are just craving for this new product ” Apple Tablet “. Hopefully, if things proceed in a positive direction, the Apple Tablet Technology will be demoed in January 2010.

Very little is certain about this new mystery tablet now under lock and key in Cupertino. What we do know (or hope) is that the gadget will probably have a 7- or 9-inch touchscreen, similar to that of the iTouch or iPhone, and will function similar to the iTouch. The memory will be flash-based (I’m thinking 32 or 64 Gb), it will be equipped with Wi-Fi, and will be designed to take advantage of the accelerometer with the games and applications available on Apple’s Apps Store.

I’m also going to suggest that the tablet will have an iSight along with multi-touch capabilities, and will retain a form factor very much like an overgrown iTouch or iPhone. None of my suggestions are too outrageous thus far, but there is one element that will not be shared with the iPhone or the iTouch.

If Apple is to succeed with an iTablet (permit me to coin the phrase for this article’s purposes), the operating system can’t be that of the iPhone or the iTouch…or of the computer-based OSX. The iTablet will need a hybrid graphical user interface that wields multi-touch, with the complexity and power of OSX but simplicity of the handheld version.

I see a nearly full version OSX, simply compressed and scaled down a bit. Such a tablet, if it’s going to appeal to the Apple handheld device crowd and those who enjoy Mac computers, needs to appear fun and easy to pick up, even if it’s a high-powered work horse under the hood.

If Apple really has such a device in the works, you can expect to see another craze like that of the iPod and the iPhone. Imagine the possibilities! Though Apple tried to use the Macbook Air as an ultra-portable, the iTablet would effectively bridge the gap between the iPhone, Ipod and Macs. Aside from going for a jog or hitting the gym, the iTablet would be the ideal size for any Apple app, providing a comfortable amount of space for a qwerty keyboard, while having a small form factor for games and entertainment.

The iTablet would be the “perfect storm” of the computing/entertainment gadget world — a hybrid between iPods and Macs. And with a gaggle of software developers constantly contributing to the Apps Store, Apple now has the ideal market for such a device that it has been waiting for.

If it’s real, it’ll be a phenom.

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